South Norwood Net Community Group

Local History

The Norwood Junction Subway is a step-free path leading underneath the track of Norwood Junction Station.  It's believed to be the World's first reinforced concrete underpass, conceived by Borough Enginner George Carter and constructed by Robert McAlpine & Sons.

It was opened 31 July 1912.  In 2011, the year before it was awarded it's blue plaques, it was cleaned up and stunning photographic murals by Liane Lang were installed in the subway (read more here).  Recently, CCTV and better lighting has been installed which has helped a little to restore it's reputation after being regarded as a dark, forbidding place for so long.  Local group Litter Picking Friends of South Norwood working with Norwood Junk Action recently pressure washed the walls and floor but it remains an area that could do with investment in regular maintenance and cleaning. 



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